

Commercial users of Newfies-Dialer have full support, so any problems should be referred to the Newfies-Dialer Support team.

Step By Step Checklist

The step by step checklist below should be used to validate that all components of the platform are running.

User interface :

  1. Dialer Gateway matching a configured trunk is set up in the UI
  2. Dialer Settings configured and attached to the appropriate user
  3. Phonebook Created with contacts attached to the phonebook
  4. Configured voice application
  5. Campaign created, and started, with a phone book attached, and the campaign schedule current

Back-end :

  1. Celery Monitor Running
  2. Freeswitch running

Diagnosing Carrier Problems

Due to the nature of Newfies-Dialer and voice broadcasting, it is not possible to easily test the quality of the call to different routes, or see if something unusual is going on.

The most definitive way of discovering what is going on is to take a capture of all SIP files along with the audio.

A program called PCAPSIPDUMP should have been installed on your server for just an eventuality, if not, instructions for installation follow:

apt-get -y install libpcap0.8 libpcap-dev build-essential
cd /usr/src/
wget --no-check-certificate
tar zxfv pcapsipdump-0.2.tar.gz
cd pcapsipdump-0.2
apt-get -y install libpcap0.8 libpcap-dev build-essential
make clean
make all
cp pcapsipdump /usr/sbin/pcapsipdump
chmod +x /usr/sbin/pcapsipdump

PCAPSIPDUMP is launched with the following commands:

mkdir /tmp/pcapsipdump/
pcapsipdump -i eth0 -d /tmp/pcapsipdump/

This will write a single file for every call into /tmp/pcasipdump We have chosen this location because if you should accidently fill the hard drive with this data, a reboot will clear it out, and pcapsipdum will not start automatically on reboot.

The files are in directories according to the date and time, and each individual file is named using the origin and destination numbers coupled with the SIP call ID.

Download the files onto your PC, and open them with a program called Wireshark, which is freely available for Windows, OSX and Linux.

The SIP capture and the audio should give a clue as to what is going wrong, and the carrier will appreciate a copy of the pcap file as it well help them diagnose the problem at their end.

There are other command line options for pcapsipdump:

 #Usage: pcapsipdump [-fpU] [-i <interface>] [-r <file>] [-d <working directory>] [-v level] [-R filter]
 -f   Do not fork or detach from controlling terminal.
 -p   Do not put the interface into promiscuous mode.
 -R   RTP filter. Possible values: 'rtp+rtcp' (default), 'rtp', 'rtpevent', 't38', or 'none'.
 -U   Make .pcap files writing 'packet-buffered' - slower method,
but you can use partially written file anytime, it will be consistent.
 -v   Set verbosity level (higher is more verbose).
 -n   Number-filter. Only calls to/from specified number will be recorded
 -t   T.38-filter. Only calls, containing T.38 payload indicated in SDP will be recorded

Where to find the log files

All the logs are centralized into one single directory /var/log/newfies/

newfies-django-db.log : This contains all the Database queries performed by the UI

newfies-django.log : All the logger events from Django

err-apache-newfies.log : Any apache errors pertaining to Newfies-Dialer

celery-newfies-node1.log : This contains celery activity

newfieslua_logs_%%.log.log : This contains the phone system logs

Config Files Location

Newfies-Dialer configuration file is located by default at /usr/share/newfies-dialer/newfies_dialer/ contains all the local changes specific to your installation, this file is inherited from /usr/share/newfies-dialer/newfies_dialer/, therefore you can copy settings to and overwrite the default configuration.

Enable the debug

When you get a message “Server Error, You’ve encountered an error!”, you might want to enable the debugger to get a full traceback of the error.

To enable the debugger, edit the file /usr/share/newfies-dialer/newfies_dialer/ and set those settings as follow:

DEBUG = True

Note that you should be able to get the traceback in /var/log/newfies/err-apache-newfies.log